1. Cut off the ends of the stalks. Here you see both uncut and cut to give you an idea.
2. Peel off some of the fibers by taking a knife and pulling up a bit of the ends. However, online I saw that not all methods call for this. I think it helps get some of the stringiness off though.
3. Cut up into pieces of about an inch or two long. Rinse once before cooking. Add water to cover the pieces and heat on high.
4. Cook until you can poke the pieces with a knife. Drain.
5. Basically just mash it up/stir it up. Add plenty of sugar to taste. It's totally sour without sugar! Serve with a yummy brownie that I'll give you the recipe for another time.
yum! you know what's funny? I saw big stalks of fresh rhubarb at Carrefour this weekend, and thought to myself "I've never eaten it before, but I have no idea how to prepare it!" So your blog tutorial is perfect, and I'm going to go back and pick some up!
You make it sound easy, but I must admit---I've never had rhubarb, in spite of living in the South for most of my life. It must be an ornery vegetable to need so much sweetening. You are an adventurous cook!
do you know I've eaten my mothers homegrown rhubarb all my life in delicious rhubarb crumbles and always assumed it was a fruit until now! I was about to correct Lindle above and then just checked on wikipedia who say it is usually considered a vegetable!
Great cooking tips by the way, I'm going to ask my mum to bring me some and finally make my own rhubarb crumble! Or your brownie and rhubarb, yum!!!
Your photos and instructions are so helpful! I often wondered how rhubarb was prepared. The most common recipes are for pie.
I hope you post some other cooking tips!
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