
Friday, February 19, 2010

JuJu in the snow-snow

We had yet another Snow Event Monday. Big flakes fell until about one p.m. and it was enough to give us a nice white blanket on the ground. Luckily driving was ok as in my town they sand the roads pretty well. It's sometimes very calming to wake up and see white everywhere. Sounds are muffled and the messy aspects of my life seem, momentarily, cleaned up.

This has definitely been the snowiest winter I've had in France and possibly the most snow I've seen in my life. Not counting Alabama's blizzard of '93 with about 13 inches (don't you start laughing, Crystal). I let Juliette walk a bit in it Monday afternoon. Turn your head at about 15 seconds.

And though I don't mind the cold weather so much, spring is gonna be very welcome. We've just about had enough of barely going over 40°F these last two months. That might be the reason Juliette seems to have caught every bug around and these past two weeks have been trying. First it was a cold and fever that led to conjunctivits. Then the fever came back five days later with a vengeance. The doctor said the infection seemed to be in the lungs so it was time for antibiotics. Three days later she was screaming like she was the baby version of the Exorcist. She wouldn't let me console her at all and she was arching her back as she cried. I was desperately hoping this was not a new form of tantrums. We were off the the pediatrician's that evening and it was frankly a relief to hear it was a double ear infection. At least I knew what was going on and that I hadn't been imagining her strange behavior. Change of antibiotics and a cortisone treatment and now she's starting to get back to her normal whimpering and playing. I think we'll put a picture of Alexander Flemming (discoverer of penicillin) in her room to thank him for all the times he's saved us from nasty infections.

And maybe spring will get the Chat moving a bit more on the balcony. He's got his new "light" cat food and the adjustment is not easy. I actually got him to play with a toy mouse last night, so there's hope that he'll slim down soon.

Just another month till spring so hang in there folks.


luckyone said...

I'm from Atlanta...we still talk about THE BLIZZARD of '93...I love your blog btw.

Lindle said...

You need to let Crystal know that blizzard of '93 gave Birmingham 22 inches of snow--not 13. Maybe that will impress the lovely Canadian. It's the Big Snow by which we measure all of Mother Nature's frosting attempts.
Love my little Eskimo-bebe! Glad she's doing better--finally.

Crystal said...

hehe 22 inches IS a lot, I'll give you that :) Although we Canadians wouldn't have batted an eyelash :p

Unfortunately I couldnt see the said "currently not available". I'll check back later to see if it's working then.

Sorry to hear JuJu is sick often. Poor thing has been blessed with a less-than-average immune system it seems. It will be easier when she starts talking a lot more and can explain to you what hurts.

Take it easy driving on the snowy roads...bisous from sunny, warm-ish Paris!