
Friday, October 2, 2009

Conversations with a toddler

Catching up on videos from about a month ago. In the first one she's talking about "Cat-cat" or "Cat-ki". Now when I show her this video she answers the question of what a cat says with "mu-now." Pretty much all animals are "catki" at the moment. When Remi's mom showed her a cow in a field this weekend, Juliette cried out happily, "Catki!" She does know that dogs say "woo-woo" however.

Then you've got a strange sound she was making that sounds more like a wail than a word. But she sure had a lot to say about it. Prizes for anyone who can translate this one.


Anonymous said...

i wish I talked baby cos then I'd understand the second video! She really is talking here. I love it!

Danny said...

sure sounds French what ever she is saying...

Erica said...

Anonymous reader (and fellow american ex-pat) giving my two cents: it sounds like she's saying "c'est quoi?". My boyfriend's young nephews used to say it like that ...

Anonymous said...

I think she's saying that she misses her Great Aunt Sunny and wants her to come visit in France.It may have been in French too.

Love you all,